Gambling Problems : Take the Problem Gambling Test

Problem gambling is characterized by someone who gambles more frequently than planned or spends more than their bank account can handle. This can cause disruption in family life or create financial difficulties, both of which are signs that there is a gambling problem.

Take a Problem Gambling Test

It is wise for casino players to take a problem gambling test on a regular basis to determine if they are developing a gambling problem. Some online casinos offer simple yes and no answer tests on their sites, and Gambler's Anonymous also has a 20 question test online. A yes answer may indicate a gambling problem. A good gambling test will ask many questions. You will be asked to consider if you have ever lost time from work or school due to gambling or if gambling has ever made your home life unhappy. A gambler's feelings when they win or lose are important. You may also be asked if you have ever borrowed money to finance your gambling.

Responsible Gambling

Online casinos take problem gambling seriously. Casinos often post the signs of problem gambling, along with help numbers, and even limit the deposits a player can make to encourage responsibility. Responsible gambling is characterized by many things. A responsible gambler will set limits on when they gamble. For example, the player may only gamble after work. A gambling problem may be indicated when a player starts gambling on his or her lunch hour or on the way to work. Responsible gamblers will also set limits on the amount they spend and will not go over the limit.

Be aware of your gambling habits. A change could mean that you are developing a gambling problem. Simply saying that you don't have a gambling problem does not make it so; in fact, confidence that you don't have a gambling problem can be the first sign that you do.